Before you can remotely connect with LevelBlue Technical Support, you need to verify your connection to the Remote Support server from the sensor. The USM Anywhere Sensor uses port 22 and 443 for SSH Program to securely log into another computer over a network, execute commands in a remote machine, and move files from one machine to another through Secure Copy (SCP). communications with the USM Anywhere Remote Support server. If there is an issue with your connectivity, make sure that port 22 and 443 are open to prod-usm-saas-tractorbeam.alienvault.cloud or prod-gov-usm-saas-tractorbeam.gov.alienvault.us (for LevelBlue TDR for Gov). If the ports are open and you still have no connectivity, check for any other physical problem on your side. If none are found, contact LevelBlue Technical Support to find out if their server is temporarily down.
To check the network connectivity for the sensor
- While logged in to USM Anywhere, check your networking status by going to Settings > System.
If you have more than one deployed sensor, select the one that you want to verify.
If the page reports that this endpoint is unreachable, you may have a problem.
To verify remote support connectivity directly on the USM Anywhere Sensor
Open your virtualization management console and connect to the USM Anywhere Sensor virtual machine (VM).
Important: Alternatively, you can open an SSH session to the sensor VM. When using an SSH session, the default username is sysadmin.
If you are accessing a Microsoft Azure Sensor through SSH and you specified a username other than the default (sysadmin) for your SSH access, you must use the following commands at the command line to "sudo up" and access the sensor console:# sudo su – sysadmin
From the USM Anywhere Sensor console System Menu, select Maintenance and press Enter.
From the Maintenance menu, select Remote Support and press Enter.
From the Remote Support menu, select Show Remote Support Status, press the arrow-down (↓) key, and then Enter.
The system displays an alert message that the check is in progress.
When the check is complete with a connection, you see a success alert.
If there's no connection, the system displays an alert message that the remote server is unreachable.
Note: If the system does make a connection, you see a success prompt.
- Press Enter.