Collecting Debug Information

When you open a ticket with LevelBlue Technical Support, you can include collected debug information to assist the support engineer with diagnosing your issue. The USM Anywhere Sensor console provides a function that you can use to collect this information. When enabled, the sensor rotates the debug logs when they exceed 100 megabytes (MB), and keeps up to 7 rotated files afterward.

To collect debug information for the sensor

  1. Open your virtualization management console and connect to the USM Anywhere Sensor virtual machine (VM).

    Important: Alternatively, you can open an SSH session to the sensor VM. When using an SSH session, the default username is sysadmin.

    If you are accessing a Microsoft Azure Sensor through SSH and you specified a username other than the default (sysadmin) for your SSH access, you must use the following commands at the command line to "sudo up" and access the sensor console:

    # sudo su – sysadmin

  2. From the USM Anywhere Sensor console System Menu, select Maintenance and press Enter.

    Select the Maintenance option from the console System menu

  3. From the Maintenance menu, select Collect Debug Information and press Enter.

    Select the Collect Debug Information option

  4. In the confirmation screen, select Yes and press Enter.

    When the collection process is complete, you see an alert message. This provides the URL for the file and the password.

    The confirmation screen provides the URL and password for the coolected debug information

  5. Press Enter.
  6. Download the debug file and attach it to your support case.

    Make sure to update the support case information to include the file password.