BlueApp for SpyCloud Dark Web Monitoring

The BlueApp for SpyCloud Dark Web Monitoring enables you to detect if your users' credentials have been compromised in a third-party breach and trafficked on the dark web, so that you can take immediate action to prevent another breach. LevelBlue provides this functionality on a limited-time trial basis at no additional cost through a partnership with SpyCloud, a pioneer in breach discovery. At the conclusion of the trial, customers may purchase this functionality from SpyCloud to continue using it. SpyCloud uses human and machine intelligence to monitor public, private, and covert sources on the dark web, identifying user credentials that have been stolen. This data is collected within USM Anywhere through the BlueApp for SpyCloud Dark Web Monitoring.

Edition: The BlueApp for SpyCloud Dark Web Monitoring is available in the Standard and Premium editions of USM Anywhere. See the Affordable pricing to fit every budget page for more information about the features and support provided by each of the USM Anywhere editions.

Warning: If the BlueApp fails and you receive a message informing you that it has not been loaded, please contact LevelBlue Technical Support to solve the problem.

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