Configuring the BlueApp for LevelBlue Secure Remote Gateway

Role Availability Read-Only Investigator Analyst Manager

Before BlueApp for LevelBlue Secure Remote Gateway, powered by Zscaler, can connect to USM Anywhere, you need to submit a Move, Add, Change, Delete (MACD) Request through the BusinessDirect Web Portal.

To acquire LevelBlue Secure Remote Gateway details

  1. Log in to the AT&T BusinessDirect Web Portal using your BusinessDirect ID and password.
  2. Request an admin account with the Client-BlueApp role.

    Specify the account name and email address you want to associate with the role.

  3. Once the MACD request is approved, you can view your login and password in the AT&T BusinessDirect Web Portal.

    Use the details provided to access the Zscaler portal and obtain the base URI and API key to finish configuration in USM Anywhere.

To acquire Zscaler configuration details

  1. Log in to the Zscaler admin page using your Zscaler credentials.
  2. Go to Administration > API Key Management.

    The page displays the base Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and API key.

  3. Copy the base URI and key value to your clipboard or a secure location. You will need to enter them in USM Anywhere to configure the AlienApp.

To connect the LevelBlue Secure Remote Gateway API to USM Anywhere

  1. In USM Anywhere, go to Data Sources > BlueApps.
  2. Click the Available Apps tab.
  3. Search for the BlueApp, and then click the tile.
  4. Click Configure API.
  5. If you have more than one deployed USM Anywhere Sensor, select the sensor that you want to use for the enabled BlueApp.

    BlueApps operate through a deployed sensor and use APIs to integrate with the connected third-party technology. Select the sensor that can access the integration endpoint. The HTTPS connections to the API will originate from this sensor, so it is important to make sure the sensor has network access to the BlueApp API endpoints.

  6. Enter the information you collected previously:

    • Base URI
    • Username
    • Password (provided from the BusinessDirect Web Portal MACD request)
    • Zscaler API Key
  7. Click Save.
  8. Verify the connection.

    After USM Anywhere completes a successful connection to the Zscaler APIs, a icon displays in the Health column.

    If the icon displays, there is a problem with the connection. The Message column provides information about the issue. Repeat the steps to fix the configuration or troubleshoot your Zscaler connection.