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LevelBlue Certification

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About the AlienVault® USM Appliance™ Technician

The AlienVault® USM Appliance™ Technician validates core skills in implementing and operating AlienVault USM Appliance that are learned in the AlienVault USM Appliance for Security Engineers (AUSE) class. This certification is only offered to delegates in that class. It is not available without taking the class.

The AlienVault USM Appliance Technician is designed for:

  • Security engineers
  • Security analysts
  • IT professionals who implement, operate, or support security systems
  • Security professionals working at AlienVault resellers and partners

Preparing for the AlienVault USM Appliance Technician Exam

The exam is designed as an end-of-class assessment for the AUSE class. All of the questions on the exam are derived from the materials covered in the course. Therefore, the best way to prepare for the exam is to:

  • Participate in all class sessions
  • Complete all lab exercises
  • Review the course materials and labs as needed.

Registering for the AlienVault USM Appliance Technician Exam

The exam is administered through Kryterion, our exam delivery partner. Kryterion delivers the exam using their Webassessor platform. Follow these steps:

  1. Take the AUSE class. Each delegate who takes the AlienVault USM Appliance for Security Engineers class receives a voucher to take the exam at no additional charge. You will receive an email with your voucher at the end of the class.

  2. Register on Webassessor. The email that includes your voucher will have complete instructions on how to register.

  3. Schedule your exam as described on the Taking the Exam tab.

Exam Results

If you pass the exam, congratulations! You will receive your certificate and logo by email.

If you do not pass the exam, you will receive an email showing you how you performed on each section of the exam. The sections match the AlienVault USM Appliance for Security Engineers course outline. You can use this information to help you prepare for your next attempt at the exam. To retake the exam, you may purchase an AlienVault USM Appliance Technician Exam Retake voucher on this website. A voucher costs USD $200 worldwide. It is only available for sale on this website. It is good for one attempt at the exam. After making your purchase, you will receive an email with your voucher within 2 business days.


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