I’m happy to announce the availability of the next beta, AV Installer beta6 http://data.alienvault.com/ossim-installer_1.2.beta6.iso [no longer available]. (md5: 21204ecf2949a1d9ac9838b3c694b72d.
Again, thanks a ton to everybody testing the betas and reporting bugs / improvements, with your help this is already the best release that’s been published ever for OSSIM.
The betatesting process is reaching the point where we’re going to freeze code and just fix bugs. OpenVAS is now fully integrated and running like a charm, the compliance framework runs out of te box for ISO27001 (install beta6, “apt-get install ossim-compliance” and go to reports->reporting server), many new directives have been added and old ones fixed. A quick warning: OpenVAS takes ages to start the first time, if it looks like it hangs during init don’t worry, after maybe 5 or 10 minutes it will get through.
Next steps will be to ensure everything is working, get a new dashboard for PCI and ISO2700[12] compliance, integrate the SEM part (without signing) into the public server, put the new policy interface in place and double check distributed architecture scripts. After this release the final version, throw a party and get a couple of weeks off :wink:
I hope you enjoy this beta.